Performing DNA test (also known as genetic test) allows you to discover the “Mysterious” about your health status, including genetically inherited components.
DNA test report function as a reference and study material for health professionals, to provide precise advice and guidance for your personal healthcare needs.
Identify the roots before the remedies.
Quarters is all about relearning & reforming.
We listen, analyse, review, and create a program specifically just for you. The given program is fully customisable to fit your daily routines.
Your Personalised Program Begins Here:
Have questions?
Learn more about our packages, and tell us your preferred options.
DNA Test
Our nutritionist shall assist you on the DNA sample collection process.
DNA Report Processing
Samples are sent to the lab for test report preparation.
DNA Report Consulting
This is a fun session where you start to know yourself better. Our nutritionist provides in-depth interpretation and advise referring to your own DNA report.
Engage Coach.
And now, our coaches will take over the job. Our coaches are ready to hear from you, share with them your thoughts. The more the better.
Program Planning
Coaches will write a customised program to fit your needs. This program is created referring to the advise given by our nutritionist, and your routine habits.
Your Personalised Program
Are you ready?
A tailor-fit healthcare program that is friendly and inclusive for all.
No matter if you are a beginner or an advanced individual, there is always room for improvement.
Place your trust with Quarters in bringing you an exciting and joyful journey towards your goals.
If you have other concerns from what’s mentioned as above,
we are just right behind the screen to assist you
we are just right behind the screen to assist you